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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. International Logistics

    Join us on Wednesday, May 27 as we will have experts on hand to discuss freight forwarding, best ...

  2. Nutrient Management Algae Control Legislation

    publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) to conduct monthly monitoring of total and dissolved phosphorous by ...

  3. Celebrate Fathers

    other important points that research tells us: Self- Esteem- Father involvement is related to ...

  4. Managing for High Quality Stored Forage

    feed value or relative feed quality values decline about 4 points per day.  Rates of decline are not as ...

  5. OSU Extension Direct Food and Ag Marketing Team 2017 Summary Report

    conjunction with OSUE Cuyahoga County to 26 participants. An attendee said about the training that, “all ... Cooperatives shared information about cooperative development with the attendees. • The Direct Marketing Team ...

  6. Sheep And Goat Webinar Series

    information about the Sheep and Goat school webinar series, contact the Wayne County Extension office at ...

  7. Planter Setup, Maintenance and Preparation for the 2018 Planting Season

    most cases less than one year, pay off on your farm. First, we will provide some comments about planter ...

  8. Policy Changes in the Dairy Margin Protection Program

    first 5 million pounds of annual milk production (about 217 cows) instead of 4 million pounds, ...

  9. Planning and Writing Successful Proposals Workshop

    how, turning conceptual ideas about the elements of successful proposals into concrete strategies. ...

  10. CSA Task Analysis

    Area A: Develop Marketing Strategies Duty Area B: Provide Customer Service & Public Relations Duty ...
