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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Inductees

    teaching, research, and extension education programs for Ohio’s dairy industry and Ohio public health ... numerous publications had an invaluable impact on the Food and Dairy Industry. 2018 Inductees Dr. Ira A. ... U.S. Secretary of Agriculture. Mr. Timothy P. Smucker is chairman emeritus of The J.M. Smucker Company, ...

  2. FST Special Edition Newsletter – 2024 Summer Graduation

    been given an opportunity to share with us some of their favorite memories of their time at Ohio State ... sure to meet up with us as we continue to engage in various professional food science forums around the ...

  3. Vaccine Toolkit

    prevent the spread of disease and have even helped us wipe out some illnesses! Although good cleaning ... habits, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle can help prevent the spread of disease, vaccines help us to ... cause autism. Many parents are worried about childhood vaccines causing autism after they’re given. ...

  4. Ohio State University advancing animal agriculture with new Waterman Dairy

    products through public engagement,” he said. “The new Waterman Dairy, along with the Multispecies Animal ... Learning Center now under construction, will raise the bar for CFAES teaching, research, and public ... keeping alleys clean and reducing water usage. “I am very excited about how the robotics will improve herd ...

  5. Mental Health First Aid Training

    read Ohio State University’s Center for Public Health Practice Ohio Mental Health Resource Guides ...

  6. Vaccine Toolkit

    prevent the spread of disease and have even helped us wipe out some illnesses! Although good cleaning ... habits, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle can help prevent the spread of disease, vaccines help us to ... cause autism. Many parents are worried about childhood vaccines causing autism after they’re given. ...

  7. Where can I get vaccinated?

    your local pharmacy to ask about the price of a vaccine. Local health departments are also a great ...

  8. New research reveals economic and social impacts of caregivers in North central and Northeast US

    Northeast regions of the U.S. The preliminary findings, released as two regionally focused “Research ... “This also included learning more about individuals and families who provide care, and how caregiving ... is a common experience, with about eight in 10 respondents in the two regions having provided care to ...

  9. A fair kid, through and through

    I noticed that many of the youth exhibitors didn’t know much about their projects,” said Strickler. He knew ... about their animals. Most of the time, they know more than I do!”  Strickler was also the impetus behind ... outgoing, developed public speaking skills, and learned the  importance of building and cultivating ...

  10. Ohio State CFAES to lead federal food waste initiative

    materials that can meaningfully reduce the amount of U.S. household food waste. “About one-third of all food ... wasted in U.S. households. Roe, the Fred N. VanBuren Professor of Farm Management  in the Department of ... is wasted, with about half of that occurring in homes throughout the United States,” Roe said. ...
