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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Drought Stress Can Put Weeds Into Overdrive- Tips On Herbicide Use

    applications when the broadleaf herbicide is applied first, and about one day when the grass herbicide is ...

  2. Sumer Is The Perfect Season For Homemade Ice Cream

    products for dinner, talk about how many different breeds of dairy cattle you might name and what they look ... cream.  In the United States over a course of a year, the average person eats about 3.5 gallons of this ... about l quart of strawberries and 1 (3-oz) package of strawberry gelatin. * If your ice cream doesn’t ...

  3. Use Tools To Help Prepare For Pest Damage To Fields, Crops

    Field Crops (joint publication from Ohio State and Michigan State) can all be referenced for specific ...

  4. Wayne County Jr. Fair

    that a 4-H member sends out to potential buyers before the fair to tell them a little about themselves ... to come to the  fair and bid on their animals.   Many buyers have told us that they love personal ... a great new resource for information about how to invite buyers to support the sale.  This resource was ...

  5. (Speaker Series) Contemporary Differences in U.S. Farm Financial Performance by Race: Does Farm Size Matter?

    ranchers. About the speaker: Dr. LaPorchia Collins  is a Research Agricultural Economist in the Market and ... affecting the U.S. livestock, dairy, and poultry industries. Her research covers topics related to food ...

  6. A talk with Chris Winslow about what Stone Lab and the Ohio Sea Grant are doing for farmers

    Ohio Field Leader's Dusty Sonnenberg gets a behind-the-scenes look at the research going on at Ohio State University's Stone Lab with Director Chris Winslow. They discuss the work being done by the Ohio Sea Grant to help inform farm practices an ...

  7. Cloudy waters causes African fish to develop bigger eyes

    timescale that this adaptation occurs.” To learn more about how and when these adaptations occur, ...

  8. Graduate Minors

    relate to their primary program of study. Want to learn more? Contact Us Environment and Natural ... and beyond. Rural and Environmental Sociology Soil Science Learn about the soil and the natural ...

  9. Shumar elected president of Association of Field Ornithologists (AFO)

    dissemination of information about birds in their natural habitats since 1922. As president, Shumar seeks to ...

  10. Hay! How You Gather and Store Yours Matters

    harvesting forage to be stored as dry hay can be the most difficult.  Plant physiology and growth prevents us ... mower swaths as wide as possible and rake once the moisture has fallen to about 50 percent.  The final ... at 16 percent. Finally, after all the work to get your hay made you can’t forget about the storage of ...
