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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Dairy

    Wayne County 4-H Dairy Department Things To Consider Before Taking a Dairy Project Think about how ... previously separate publications allows for multiple projects and can be used by members at all levels. Use ... parents should know about taking a dairy project including important dates, deadlines, animal ID and ...

  2. Beef Quality Assurance Certification/Recertification

    certificate OR renew your existing certificate. Certificates are good for three years. An FAQ about the BQA ...

  3. Urban Agriculture and Natural Resources

    Urban Agriculture Strategies for the State of New Jersey Report (2022)- Where Do U.S. Cities Stand On ...

  4. Professional Development

    Staffing: Preparing the Urban Extension Workforce What is Unique About Extension Personnel in the City       ...

  5. Time Management Tips That Lead To Productivity

    and making changes that assist us in being more productive with less stress.  If that sounds good to ... suggests that the secret to success is your daily agenda.  Each thing we do, prepares us for the next.  The ... others will spend it for us.  He suggests three questions to ask:  What is required of me?  What gives me ...

  6. Upcoming Nature Lover's Book Club Dates

    The next Nature Lover's Book Club meetings have been scheduled. We hope you will join us at ...

  7. Livestock Can Handle Low Temperatures But Challenges Exist

    producers, we may be welcoming the cold temperatures as they may be giving us a reprieve from dealing with ... both.  Either scenario can create some management problems for us to tackle.  Our ruminant livestock can ... handle considerably lower temperatures than us.  Most of that is due to the fact they have a built-in ...

  8. Legacy Dinner Key In Sending Locals To 4-H Camps, Judging

    my time as the 4-H Program Assistant I have learned many things about this county. Something that has ...

  9. Active Master Gardener Projects

    Contact the Master Gardener Program Coordinator for more information about these projects. ... Speakers Bureau Warren County Master Gardeners are willing to speak to your group about gardening. ... about the ancient American Indian culture in the Ohio Valley.  Master Gardeners grow corn, squash, ...

  10. Leap Day Ideas: Check Off Bucket List Item, Take Social Media Break

    leaving us better equipped to handle work or life challenges. Additionally, he said, doing nothing allows ...
