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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Animal Subjects, Biosafety, and Grants

    Attendees will learn about the types of animal research conducted at the university, what the biosafety ...

  2. Spot and Refer: Please Help Us Connect Students to Program Excel

    Whether it’s a student you chat with occasionally or a student you see on regular basis, please help Program Excel connect (or reconnect) with students this semester by checking to see if students are on the Program Excel list in Buckeye Box. ...

  3. Leadership Delegation from Zamorano University, Honduras, visits CFAES

    University and in becoming one of its closer partner universities in the U.S.”  Honduras agriculture Central ...

  4. Ferdous-e-Elahi: Enhancing Food Security in Bangladesh

    (USAID), Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU), and the International Maize and Wheat ... learning about plant pathology and international cultures. I was also able to volunteer at the 2015 Science ... I came to the US, I was less confident, but now I know that we should and need to start contributing ...

  5. NEWS: Ohio State ATI top two-year college in Ohio for graduate salaries

    Homeroom, the official blog of the U.S. Department of Education, has released a state-by-state ... to a whole host of data verified by the U.S. Department of Education on thousands of institutions ...

  6. Consent for electronic delivery of Form 1095-C

    important information about the health care coverage an employee had or was offered by Ohio State during ...

  7. ATI Van vs Rental

    Submitted by Desiree Lutsch When thinking about your local Ohio travel needs ...

  8. ATI in the news

    article in Growing Produce. Congratulations, Dr. Rumble! If you come across other articles about students, ...

  9. SEEDS Student Presentations

    Are you thinking about submitting a proposal to the SEEDS student competition? If so, you may want ...

  10. SEEDS Student Presentations

    Are you thinking about submitting a proposal to the SEEDS student competition? If so, you may want ...
