CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. 2015 SCEP Fellowship Program on Small Farm Management and Support

    Scientific Cooperative Exchange Program (SCEP) funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign ...

  2. Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development Annual Meeting

    practitioners about best practices in the field.  Please visit the AIARD conference webpage for more updated ...

  3. Communiqué June 6, 2012

    with others. If I pay attention to how they think about problem solving, program planning and every ... other aspect of doing their job we can talk about their strengths, the things for which the employee or ... remember, anyone may participate in sessions of their interest that are listed in Learn. The public may sign ...

  4. Planning and Writing Successful Proposals Workshop

    how, turning conceptual ideas about the elements of successful proposals into concrete strategies. ...

  5. Post-Award Fiscal Management of Sponsored Programs Columbus

    with OSP about budget revisions, switching project personnel, nearing end date, extensions, and ...

  6. Post-Award Fiscal Management of Sponsored Programs Wooster

    with OSP about budget revisions, switching project personnel, nearing end date, extensions, and ...

  7. CFAES Organizes Climate Change Conference in Tanzania, Promotes Food Security Through iAGRI

    (CFAES). The Ohio State University leads a consortium of five other U.S. land grant universities to ... Africa. According to the Feed the Future Initiative- the U.S. government’s primary global hunger and food ... scientists, policy-makers, and farmers about sustainable adaptation to climate change”. A follow up conference ...

  8. IRB Submission Process Overview

    offering an introductory workshop about the IRB submission process. The session will: Explain the oversight ...

  9. Communiqué August 1, 2012

    if employees learn about the culture by trial and error.   As newly hired people are brought into an ... one way having a diverse workforce can move us forward by helping us adapt to it's, ever-changing ... answer is to take the time to have a conversation with the person about his or her previous experiences. ...

  10. Communiqué May 13, 2015

    work with the community. Click on the following link for information about submitting a proposal ... :// Proposals are due May 15. If you have questions about the innovative grants, contact Ken Martin at ... reduce delivery times and eliminate manual processing of orders. For more information about using this ...
