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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. 4-H Community Service in Action

    Every 4-H member knows the third “H” is about “hands to larger service” and the ability to make ...

  2. Opening Access to Your Research: Strategies for Digital Scholarship

    Opening Access to Your Research: Strategies for Digital Scholarship Curious about ways to ... disseminate your work online?  Thinking about creating a website or blog to showcase your research?  Wondering ... Publishing Program to learn more about increasing the visibility and impact of your research through digital ...

  3. Ohio Land Exchange Workshop

    other jurisdictions. If you are curious about vacant land reuse and/or community engagement in legacy ...

  4. Two Warren County Teens Take 2nd at the 2014 Film Fest 4-H If you’re a 4-H member interested in learning more about film making, watch for details in early ... 2015 about a film workshop just for Ohio 4-H. For more information about the film making project or ...

  5. Ohio 4-H Dairy Judging Team Places at the North American International Dairy Judging Contest

    problem solving, decision making, and public speaking. Bonnie Ayars     (Pictured left to right is Tanner ...

  6. DOE

    development (R&D) at United States (U.S.) universities through the following: Administering NEUP R&D ...

  7. #TrueLeaders: Jacob Shuman

    of a honey bee education program: Teens Educating Adults and Children about Honey Bees (TEACH B). ...

  8. Finding Funding Workshop

    you will learn more about using the SPIN funding opportunities database and accessing other funding ...

  9. 4-H Week

    families, potential volunteers, and community members are informed about all the possibilities! To learn ... more about how you can promote 4-H week in your community, take a look at the following resources.  The ... History of the 4-H Movement To learn about the history of the 4-H movement in the United State and around ...

  10. Fiscal Overview with Angie LeMaster

    close-out of awards-project overrun concerns Communicating with OSP about budget revisions, switching ...
