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Internship in Agriscience Education
of agriculture in the public schools. Prereq: 5230 and 5231. Not open to students with credit for AEE ...
Ohio Agritourism Conference & Trade Show
farm revenue streams. Join us to learn about the latest trends and topics impacting the industry and ...
Spanish Publications
Pesticide ID Cards Squash Bugs Squash Vine Borer Thrips White-tailed Deer Aphid Cole Crop Caterpillars Cucumber Beetle Feral Cats Flea Beetle Groundhog Mexican Bean Beetle Natural Enemy Field Guide Rabbits Twospotted Spider Mites Vole ...
Publication Design and Production
professional-quality publications for agricultural and general audiences. Agricultural communicators will find ...
Evaluation in Agriscience Education
agriculture in the public schools, conferences, and seminars. Prereq: 5280 and 5282. Not open to students with ...
Oral Expression in Agriculture
AGRCOMM 3130 An introductory public speaking course that will analyze the communication process ...
Methods of Teaching in Agriscience Education
agriscience instruction in public schools. Students will demonstrate competence in agricultural literacy ...
Bowling at Wayne Lanes
Don't forget about FREE bowling at Wayne Lanes every Monday at 9 p.m. The only charge is ...
Advanced Agricultural Communication Technology
computer-based electronic production when preparing informational and educational messages for public and student ...
Friday’s Escape to the Forest Webinar – The Winter Life of Ohio’s Bats
Join us as we chat with Joe Johnson, bat ecologist with the University of Cincinnati, during Bat ... Week about the lives of Ohio bats during winter. Where are they hibernating? How are they dealing with ...