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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Wildlife: Guest or Pest Part 4 (Deer Conflict)

    Extension. She works to provide a variety of educational programs, workshops, conferences, and publications ...

  2. Miami County Jr Chefs: Session 2

    Join us on a three day cooking adventure around the world! We’ll discover local recipes, ... participate in cultural games, and learn about how food is grown in Mexico, Italy and Japan. Participants will ... prepare international dishes, taste test, learn about food safety, and develop culinary skills. Session 1: ...

  3. Miami County Jr Chefs: Session 1

    Join us on a three day cooking adventure around the world! We’ll discover local recipes, ... participate in cultural games, and learn about how food is grown in Mexico, Italy and Japan. Participants will ... prepare international dishes, taste test, learn about food safety, and develop culinary skills. Session 1: ...

  4. Dean Kress' State of the College Address

    of these grand challenges. Please take time to watch the recording and to think about how we in OSU ...

  5. Wiser on Wednesdays – Engaging Diverse Communities Workshop on March 24

    Office of Academic Affairs, present about engaging diverse communities. This workshop examines the ... foundational knowledge to participants about key terms and concepts, including social identity, bias, ...

  6. Thoughts from the Director

    Office of Institutional Equity. Laurie comes to us from the Wexner Medical Center, so she is very ...

  7. Contact Tracing/HIPPA

    university HR and in partnership with local health departments. We do not have information about who has ... private information. Please do not share information about those you know who may have tested positive, ...

  8. Myth Busting the Rural/Urban Divide in Ohio – March 31 WOSU Program

    to add perspective to a much needed, ongoing conversation. Join us for this free, virtual ...

  9. OSU Extension Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force Update

    in different environments, with people different from us (geographic, cultural, etc.) to build ...

  10. In-person Programming Update

    Events. It is critical that each of us remains vigilant and adheres to the guidelines for the exemption ...
