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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. The Corn Pollination Process

    tassel and silk about the same time although some variability exists among hybrids and environments. On ...

  2. Ohio Farm Science Review

    the intersection of US 40 and State Route 38, London, OH. It is also located 2 miles north of London. ...

  3. 2015 Cochran Fellowship Program on Food Safety and International Regulations

    as a part of the Cochran Fellowship Program funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign ...

  4. Looking for On-farm Nutrient Cooperators

    questionnaire about soil management All lab analyses will be paid for and we will work with you to ensure that ...

  5. Pay Attention to Dairy Cow Stocking Density

    something about how a dairy cow ideally will budget her day in terms of time given to certain activities.  ... Animal Science Department talked about stocking density, cow comfort and cow productivity.  According to ... about 0.5 hours/day drinking, 2-3 hours/day in socializing, walking, grooming, and estrous activity, 10 ...

  6. 4-H at the Ohio State Fair

    You may also view results from the many livestock shows and competitions, and learn about area youth, ...

  7. Beef Production Practices and Consumer Trends

    concerned about animal welfare and environmental sustainability in addition to their own health.  The other ...

  8. Global Collaboration Conference on Antibiotic Resistance Mitigation and Food Safety

    public health and human society in the 21st century. AR is a very complicated issue. Recent scientific ...

  9. Managing for High Quality Stored Forage

    feed value or relative feed quality values decline about 4 points per day.  Rates of decline are not as ...

  10. Planter Setup, Maintenance and Preparation for the 2018 Planting Season

    most cases less than one year, pay off on your farm. First, we will provide some comments about planter ...
