CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. 2014 Alumni Awards Luncheon

    About 180 people met for a hearty lunch and heartfelt appreciation as The Ohio State University ... gives public recognition to those men and women who have brought distinction to themselves; the College ... Meritorious Service Award is to give public recognition to non-alumni and/or alumni of the college who have ...

  2. Spring Plant Sale & Auction Ends 2 p.m. Saturday

    and Learning Gardens. To view a complete plant and auction list with information about parking can be ...

  3. Campus Campaign 2014 Wrap-Up

    short of our 40-percent goal. And that's something to think about for 2015!  The graphs below ... questions about Campus Campaign, contact Development Officer  Tori Farmer  at 2-6768 or Campaign Ambassador ... you donate does not matter I would like to share with you a true story about my involvement with ...

  4. Super Berry School

    experienced alike — learn about the health benefits of so-called “super fruits” such as blackberry, blueberry ... about 100 participants each session.  “This is because of the fact that there has been a strong demand ...

  5. Ohio’s bees are a honey, and then some: Get a new guide to know them

    Ellsworth initially created the card as an in-the-field ID aid for about 100 citizen scientists who are ...

  6. End of Year Giving

    believe that you win with people, and this college is about people – the staff, faculty and students serve ...

  7. Good news: Ohio’s soil phosphorus levels are trending down

    about protecting surface water quality while maintaining agricultural production, said CFAES scientists ...

  8. Farm Science Review Recap

    alumni and friends. They came together to share stories and experiences; learn about college updates from ...

  9. CFAES Welcomes New Alumni

    commencement-related instructions, guests heard about the importance of staying connected to the university and the ...

  10. A Career Rooted in Agriculture, Communication and Leadership

     FarmHouse, among other student groups. Sharp also learned about different cultures through  Study Abroad ...
