CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. What does your family emergency plan look like?

    think about a family emergency plan for a severe weather strike.  Parents, here are some questions to ... get you to think about that family emergency plan.  If there is severe weather while you are away from ... water per person for three days.  A normally active person needs about three quarters of a gallon of ...

  2. Farm Day 2017

    activities for youth, a hay wagon ride, local commodity group displays, a farm tour, learn about conservation ...

  3. CSA Task Analysis

    Area A: Develop Marketing Strategies Duty Area B: Provide Customer Service & Public Relations Duty ...

  4. Comprehensive Outreach and Training Program to Expand Development of North Central Region Aquaculture

    us to be more efficient, proactive, and engaged in communities that normally do not have University ...

  5. Informational Meeting- New Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD)

    you need to know about new regulations ...

  6. International Logistics

    Join us on Wednesday, May 27 as we will have experts on hand to discuss freight forwarding, best ...

  7. Ginseng Hunting & Cultivation

    and get answers to any questions that you may have about hunting and growing ginseng. The program will ...

  8. $5 million in annual new harvest ale sales using Ohio hops being brewed in Ohio

    having planted about200 acres of hops, up from 4 acres in 2011, with an estimated annual farm gate crop ...

  9. Ohio’s first AgritourismReady conference a success

    gathered for the Ohio AgritourismReady Conference in Waldo, Ohio.  The attendees where there to learn about ... you would like more information about this or upcoming workshops, check out the OSUE Direct ...

  10. A Fruitful Year for more information.       Research Projects: Container Berry Production Project Funded by USDA ...
