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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Evaluate the Total Amount of Corn-Derived Protein in Diets When Considering Using Distillers Grains

    basis), milk yields ranged from about 50 to 100 lb/day and milk true protein concentration ranged from ... about 2.6 to 3.2%.  The forages were mainly corn silage and/or alfalfa, ground corn was the primary ... ranged from about 14 to 20%.  Overall, control diets were fairly typical Midwestern diets.  Dietary CP ...

  2. USDA Releases DAIRY 2014: Dairy Management Practices in the United States

    University The Dairy 2014 study was conducted in 17 of the US major dairy states and refers to estimates for ... the calendar year of 2013. Data collected for the study represented 76.7% of U.S. dairy operations and ... 80.3% of US dairy cows at the time of the study interview. Farm size was defined as very small (< 30 ...

  3. Introduction to Entomophagy

    we can adapt to the growing concept.  Learn about cultural and nutritional aspects of entomophagy, ...

  4. Pricing Drought-Stressed and Immature Corn for Silage

    silage (very early milk stage) CP   10 to 11%                     (about 2 or 3 units higher than normal) ... NDF 50 to 55%                    (about 10 units higher than normal) Starch 15 to 20%                  ... (about 15 units lower than normal) NEL, 0.60 to 0.63 Mcal/lb    (90 to 95% of normal) As the corn silage ...

  5. Future Trends and Their Impact for Leaders

    What major trends and issues will affect us in the next 3-5 years? How can we look ahead to take ... actions now that help us create a better tomorrow?  We analyze trends and issues facing society and ...

  6. Best Boss Ever

    that employees leave bosses, not organizations. Here are some statistics about the impact of good and ...

  7. People

    ramorum Publications: Bonello 2010 Eyles et al. 2010 Kleczewski et al. 2010 Mittapalli et al. 2010 Nagle ...

  8. On-Farm Assessment & Environmental Review (OFAER) Program

    stewardship, minimize livestock impact on watersheds, improve the public's perception of livestock ...

  9. Update on Collegiate Dairy Judging and Dairy Palooza

    interest and visits to dairy farms who offered classes for us to evaluate.  Both also had active niche ...

  10. 2007 Ohio Dairy Challenge Contest

    freestall barn was build in 2003. At present, they have about 550 cows, and construction is underway for ... the judges spending about two hours at the farm on Friday afternoon, assessing the strengths and ... facility.  During Friday evening, the teams spent about four hours reviewing their notes and farm records to ...
