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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Communiqué August 20, 2014

    employees will be given the information about both listservs during orientation, and they will be able to ... If you have any questions about either listserv, contact Cheryl Buck at Appropriate ... commercials and original music. A copy of Eric’s summary about attending the festival is  attached. You can ...

  2. Northwest Ohio Precision Ag Day

    Registration for the event is $25 by July 31. Registration on site the day of the event is $40. Details about ...

  3. A Profile of Miami County Agriculture

    937-440-3945   Miami County is situated in the west central part of Ohio. It covers about 407 square miles or ...

  4. Tips to improve study time for our teens

    Avoid comparing yourself with others – because you usually just end up feeling bad about yourself. ... BUCKEYES! For up-to-date program information, check us out on the web at: News Release ...

  5. Fair Use and You: Copyright Considerations for Writing Theses and Dissertations

    about how copyright law and fair use affect what you can and can’t use in your work?  Have you hit ...

  6. Beef Cattle School

    SR 21. Go east (left) on SR 215 for about one mile. Then turn right onto Bond Ridge Road (a township ...

  7. Beef Cattle School

    SR 21. Go east (left) on SR 215 for about one mile. Then turn right onto Bond Ridge Road (a township ...

  8. Beef Cattle School

    SR 21. Go east (left) on SR 215 for about one mile. Then turn right onto Bond Ridge Road (a township ...

  9. Give 'em the Pickle Customer Service Workshop

    profession, so be proud of what you do and where you work. Attitude: Choose your attitude. How you think about ...

  10. Ohio Turfgrass Foundation 2015 Conference and The Ohio State University Green Industry Short Course

    the U.S. Golf Association. A complete list of sessions, topics and speakers is posted at ...
