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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. New Year’s Resolution

    Fewer Americans are making the commitment of a New Year’s Resolution (about 45%) and even less are ... successful in keeping them (only about 8%).  However, if you are still determined to make (and keep) a New ... place.  Don’t waste a minute of 2017 feeling guilty about what you didn’t do.  Instead, go and find your ...

  2. Communiqué February 19, 2014

    with the idea of being so certain about an issue or causing groups to adopt a “knowing that we know” ... entails being willing, interested, nimble, poised and engaged in being constructive. Grace requires us to ... suggestions about the OSU Extension strategic plan, please feel free to contact Bev Kelbaugh ...

  3. The Skilled Facilitator Workshop

    Are you frustrated with business-as-usual meetings? How about conflict that sometimes happens in ...

  4. Tuned In, or Tuned Out: How is Technology Affecting Your Family?

    way we interact with each other in both positive and negative ways. Many of us remember when ... Together, talks about a study that she did with parents and children regarding their opinions of technology. ... the downsides to certain technologies, I encourage you to think about your family life, and ask ...

  5. Profile- Miller

    proposal submission. This gave us, the researchers, time to focus on the technical part of the proposal. ... The GDSU also helped us with budget modifications after we were notified of the award. I wouldn't ...

  6. 4-H Club Financial Review Packets Due

    questions, please don’t hesitate to give us a call.  We’ll be glad to walk you through the process ...

  7. Central Ohio Corn Field Day

    Extension educators about the challenges they’ve faced with this year’s growing season. The event will also ... offer farmers and crop consultants a chance to learn more about corn fertility and nitrogen placement. ...

  8. NEW & SMALL FARM COLLEGE For more details about the course and/or a registration form, contact Tony Nye, Small Farm Program ...

  9. Coffee with the Master Gardeners: Essential Native Plants

      What’s all the fuss about native plants?   Join Pete Holmes, Miami County Master Gardener ...

  10. Communiqué June 19, 2013

    Belly Laughs We know that laughter doesn’t just make life fun, it keeps us healthy, and releases ... include: G1S2 – “How do you stay informed about Extension outside your immediate work group? How do people ... find out about our programs?” G1S3 – “How do you spot and respond to emerging issues in your community? ...
