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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Chow Line: New findings shed light on diverticulosis (2/10/12)

    constipation. It’s estimated that about one-third of Americans over age 60 have diverticulosis. But if the ...

  2. Chow Line: To be safe, be sure cider is pasteurized (9/7/12)

    serve apple cider, but I remember a few years ago there was a safety concern about cider. Is it OK now? ...

  3. Chow Line: Make healthful eating fun for kids (8/31/12)

    about, even with fruits and vegetables, is presentation. It can make all the difference. A study ...

  4. Tall Fescue Could Be the Perfect Lawn Grass for Ohio

    tolerance. "The roots of Kentucky bluegrass are about 5 to 6 inches deep, but tall fescue roots can grow ... in about a week and will produce a lawn in 10 weeks," said Sherratt. • It's more wear ...

  5. Chow Line: Teen athletes need more carbohydrates (10/5/12)

    drink two to three hours before an activity. One to 1.5 cups about 15 minutes beforehand. A half-cup to ...

  6. Tips to Put Damaged Pastures Back into Production

    Seed should be planted about one-quarter of an inch deep," said Lewandowski. "It is better to ... seeding by April 20. "It takes about six to eight weeks for a new seedling to become established. ... 20th," said Lewandowski. "After about eight weeks of growth, or towards the end of June, producers ...

  7. Poinsettia's Poisonous Reputation Persists, Despite Proof to the Contrary

    worry too much about little Freddy. To reach the equivalent of what those rats consumed in the 1971 ...

  8. Soybean Trials Show Strength Of Varieties

    growing season for some soybean growers. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, soybean yields ...

  9. Chow Line: Suffering from gout? Pay attention to diet (for 1/16/11)

    called purines. Purines are found naturally in the body-- there's not much you can do about those-- ...

  10. 'Whiz Bang Science Show' Is Thursday (6/10) in Secrest Arboretum

    the OARDC campus, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster. Meet in the John Streeter Garden Amphitheater, about 1.7 ...
