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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Silent Spring Revolution: John F. Kennedy, Rachel Carson, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, and the Great Environmental Awakening

    acclaimed presidential historian Douglas Brinkley will talk about his new book, which chronicles the rise of ... nuclear fallout a public health menace, but entire ecosystems were contaminated with radioactive ... exhaustion, Douglas Brinkley’s meticulously researched and deftly written Silent Spring Revolution reminds us ...

  2. Poison Hemlock and Wild Parsnip are Bolting and Blooming

    us from long-wave ultraviolet radiation (LWUVR) bombarding us in sunlight. Severe blistering  occurs ... and present danger to the public.  I’ve observed both poison hemlock and wild parsnip being ...

  3. Art, agriculture, and advancing the relationship of Black people on land

    spaces. Dr. Bourgeois will join Jera Oliver and Adrienne Williams in a conversation about blending ... economic empowerment with Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC) in mind. Join us for this free ... public event in-person at The Fawcett Center in Columbus or virtually through an EPN livestream ...

  4. Sustainability in engineering careers Meeting ID: 968 8756 9633 Password: 775853 Topics: Advocating for sustainability as an engineer in ... leadership focus has allowed the company to be a part of many remarkable projects. From public infrastructure ... public and private sectors in a diverse array of markets. Tuesday, November 22, 2022- 7:30pm Zoom ...

  5. Home Garden Vegetable Trial

    provided paper form or by using our online system. Additionally, we are asking you to submit photos for us ...

  6. Pesticide Container Recycling Collection Program

    recycling free of charge Drop off at-  Nutrien Ag Solutions, 6704 E. US Highway 22 & 3, Wilmington, OH ...

  7. Honoring Ohio's Environment and Celebrating its Champions

    metro park system in the state of Ohio.  Ric Queen: "Ranger Ric" began his long public service ... and snacks are provided for in-person guests. Dr. Mann provides remarks about the future of the ... advance will generally allow us to provide seamless access. However, we will make every effort to meet ...

  8. Almost Time for Pesticide and Fertilizer Applicator Recertification

    These charges cover our cost of education, publications, guides, and refreshments provided for the ...

  9. Marina Miquilini

    been passionate about agriculture, which motivated my studies in agronomy and animal sciences. ...

  10. 4-H and JOANN Partnership

    a bunny and chick and coloring pages. Each craft bag will include about donating to 4-H and creating ...
