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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Friendly Advice On How Children Can Build Forever Relationships

    childhood friends, and organizational friends come to celebrate with us was such a pleasure.  Research talks ... about how it takes a long time to grow friendships.  A recent article in Psychology Today reinforces ... it may be our workplace, place of worship, or community clubs that draw us to others with common ...

  2. Farms Need An Emergency Plan

    Many of you may have seen Facebook posts this week about a parlor fire at a Northeast Ohio dairy ... by the general public.  Once you have your comprehensive list, you again describe in as much detail ...

  3. A Successful Lamb Breeding Season Requires Proper Nutrition, Management

    this is when they aren’t pregnant or nursing lambs, will consume about 1.5 percent of her body weight ... that have allowed us to avoid the severe drought that has impacted those south of us.  Even if your ... gaining about a quarter pound of body weight each day.  This will require them to consume about 0.3 pounds ...

  4. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparisons of Feedstuffs Prices

    2.18/lb, respectively. Butterfat remained about the same as it did in the previous month, only increasing ... L decreased about 33% from the previous month of July. The cost of metabolizable protein (MP) increased by ... 10.63%, and the cost of physically effective fiber (e-NDF) increased by about 33%. Previously, the NE ...

  5. Wayne County Fair Livestock Auctions, Add-Ons Bring In About $1.78M

    Wayne County is blessed with the businesses and individual families that come out and support our youth livestock and dairy exhibitors ...

  6. Teen Opportunities & Scholarships

    you can graduate from high school? Well, let us know! The Extension Office has a variety of things ...

  7. Cloverbud and Residential Camp Information

    registration. As always, if you have questions about camp, please call Brenda, Camp Program Manager at ... us at 4-H camp this year! ...

  8. Project Information

    important facts in your project book Review the important facts about 4-H for tiebreaker questions Get ... share their 4-H project with a judge, answer a few questions about what they learned and their display, ...

  9. Trauma-Informed Care

    communities about the impact of trauma on clients, co-workers, friends, family, and even ourselves. ...

  10. Footbath Practices for Lameness Prevention

    antibacterial properties and the hardening effect on the claw horn at a cost of about $42 per cow per year with ...
