CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Why Do Cows Bunch?

    temperatures are at 68 degrees F or higher. This often can occur in May in the US eastern corn belt. Walk your ... the US eastern corn belt in the early morning or late afternoon. Sun rays that enter a barn and expose ...

  2. Using Dairy Manure with Newly Planted Corn and Soybeans

    university trials of surface applied dairy manure, only about half the ammonium nitrogen applied seemed to be ...

  3. Notice of Nondiscrimination

    accordance with U.S. civil rights laws and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Cathann A. Kress, PhD, Vice ...

  4. RESCHEDULED: The Gift of Accountability: How to Respond When Someone Calls You In/Out for Causing Harm

    up to let us know what we did that caused harm and why. This is the gift of accountability and how ... difficult conversations about other topics. Learning Outcomes: After participating in this program ... conversations about other topics. Click here for complete list of programs   ...

  5. Disease Prevention: Making the Most of Your Spring (and every day) Cleaning Practices

    about cleaning and disinfection and how to develop your C&D program, check out ...

  6. Who is the New Guy?

    I don’t know about you, but I’ve had a whirlwind start to 2024. Before it gets crazier, I want to ... thing about living in NE was meeting my wife–more about her later. After studying at University of ... scenery. We both love to read and drink good wine, so please when you have the chance, let us know the best ...

  7. Cox joins ACEL as AgOne director

    teacher at Tri-Valley and Coshocton high schools and as a public relations and communications manager with ...

  8. DIBS

    issues in the public sector. The emphasis is on “brief”, with a short explanation of the issue, the ...

  9. (Speaker Series) Climate Migration: Human Migration as an Adaptive Response to Climate Change

    allow us to provide seamless access, but the university will make every effort to meet every request.  ...

  10. The Quest for Environmental and Climate Justice: Why Race and Place Still Matter- 2023 CFAES DEI Speaker Series

    Bullard joining us remotely from Texas. All events will be live streamed via Zoom.   A note about ... Join us for our keynote for the 2023 CFAES DEI Speaker Series! The Quest for Environmental and ... register! Description: Climate change is the defining global environmental justice, human rights and public ...
