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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Pond Management

    Darke County ANR Educator Caden Buschur will be at Worch Memorial Public Library discussing pond ...

  2. Assessing Forage Stands and Winter Damage

    a useful publication; “Alfalfa Stand Assessment: Is this stand good enough to keep?”, in which they provide ...

  3. Dr. Callan Lichtenwalter joins the Department of Animal Sciences

    joins us following her PhD program at Washington State University, where her research focused on dairy ... join us in welcoming Dr. Callan Lichtenwalter to the Department of Animal Sciences. ...

  4. Cindy Coy retires after decades of contributions to Animal Sciences research

    continue her hobby Appalachian-style clogging. Please join us in thanking OARDC Outstanding Staff, Cindy ...

  5. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    decreased by about 27%. The cost of NE L is about even with the 5-year average ($0.09/Mcal). The cost of ... metabolizable protein (MP) has increased slightly since the November issue, but it is still currently about 5% ... Cow-Jones Index was used for average US cows weighing 1500 lb and producing milk with 3.9% fat and 3.2% ...

  6. We'd like to hear from you!

    was.  No need to complete a survey.  Simply email your thoughts and responses and possible ideas for us ...

  7. PAS Information- State Fair Selection- Horses

    information about the Ohio State Fair Junior Fair Horse Show, visit the website.  Questions? Contact us! ...

  8. Dr. Sandra (Sandy) Velleman retires following three decades of industry leadership

    time on the water kayaking. Please join us in thanking CFAES Distinguished Professor, Dr. Sandy ...

  9. Ohio State breaks ground on Multispecies Animal Learning Center

    where all of us can learn more about the work of the university and our industry.” As an expansion of ... help us better serve the state of Ohio.” The MALC will facilitate education in essential STEM fields ... hands-on experience with swine, equine, poultry, cattle, sheep, and goats. The public will have a chance to ...

  10. Why Do Cows Bunch?

    temperatures are at 68 degrees F or higher. This often can occur in May in the US eastern corn belt. Walk your ... the US eastern corn belt in the early morning or late afternoon. Sun rays that enter a barn and expose ...
