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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Involvement & Campus Life

    arts festival? How about a Major League Soccer or National Hockey League game? Ohio State's ...

  2. Masters of Applied Economics Information Sessions

    Hear about the Master of Applied Economics (MAE) and learn about how you can apply by joining us ...

  3. Alan Randall

    a Reconciliation, Brussels: Editions Larcier, Chapter 21. Publications 2011 – 2018  ...                                                                     Books Randall, A. 2011. Risk and Precaution. Cambridge University press, UK and US. Bergstrom, JC and A. ... Randall, A, Capon, T, Sanderson, T, Merrett, D, Hertzler, G., Capon, S. 2012, Choosing ...

  4. AEDE Extension Team Visits Lynd Fruit Farm

    outside of Columbus. Click here to see a photo story about their day >>> While visiting Ohio ... when they think about how their kids factor into succession planning. “You always want your kids to do ... apple farmers was very moving,” she said. “I appreciated what he said about taking care of their migrant ...

  5. Farm Income Enhancement Program studies financial performance of Ohio Farms

    benchmarking, and financial management. Included here are the statistics, trends, and expectations about crop ... performance is also compared to that of farms in the Midwest and the entire U.S.   Ohio Crop Production and ... Ohio Farm Finances Ohio farms had better financial performance in 2020 in terms of profitability ...

  6. Dr. Sathya Gopalakrishnan receives President and Provost Award for Faculty Service for co-founding and leading Ohio State’s STEAM Factory

    to the public. For faculty, membership offers a host of benefits: training in how to engage with ... a broad public audience, development of community and industry partner relationships and new methods for ... displaying, visualizing, and disseminating research, Feedback on publicly funded research, and opportunities ...

  7. Dr. Elena Irwin Awarded Distinguished University Professor

    Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Stanley Lemeshow of the College of Public Health's ...

  8. White House Forum on Campus and Community-Scale Climate Change Solutions

    and the University of Washington convened with U.S. Government officials on climate, sustainability, ... colleges from nearly all 50 states and the District of Columbia – to learn about success stories in campus ...

  9. Richard (Dick) Duvick

    University. Dick was employed by the Economic Research Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture for six and ...

  10. Eugene Jones

    among supermarket chains; and developing and estimating market power studies of the U.S. frozen potato ...
