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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Friday’s Escape to the Forest Webinar – The Winter Life of Ohio’s Bats

    Join us as we chat with Joe Johnson, bat ecologist with the University of Cincinnati, during Bat ... Week about the lives of Ohio bats during winter. Where are they hibernating? How are they dealing with ...

  2. September 2022 Department Highlights

    lobby of the Department. The seminar is open to the public. Dr. Jaykus is a William Neal Reynolds ... University. Click here to learn more about the Harris Award. Dr. Bala Balasubramaniam and his innovative ... best practices in the U.S. Baking Industry. Dr. Valente Alvarez and Steven Simmons led the group ...

  3. Creating Meals on a Budget

    OSU Extension) to see, sample, and learn about some delicious, healthy, affordable meals. Take it one ...

  4. 2023 East Ohio Women in Agriculture Conference

    don't lose sight of the "why" in what you do” will.  Agriculture is often so much more to us ... than a job, which makes it hard when we face push back — from people around us and from influences ...

  5. David Brown receives CFAES Distinguished Alumni Award

    FallFest Homecoming celebration. The Distinguished Alumni Award gives public recognition to those who have ... Technology’s Hall of Distinction. Learn more about all the 2022 award winners. ...

  6. FST Special Edition Newsletter- 2021 Autumn Graduation

    opportunity to share with us some of their favorite memories of their time at Ohio State in this special ... accomplished and hope that you will stay connected. Come back to visit and be sure to meet up with us as we ... seeing us. [Culinary Science] Melanie Petitti- One of my fond memories of OSU will be the creative and ...

  7. Belury Elected ASN President

    Belury’s research has been published in numerous peer-reviewed publications, and she also interprets ... membership and partnerships while ensuring public trust in nutrition science. Her priorities include ... Plans also include working with ASN members to provide educational tools for the public in order to ...

  8. Dining with Diabetes

    educator, plus a follow-up reunion class held at a later date. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Anyone with concerns about ...

  9. Ohio 4-H Conference

    everyone! Join us as we learn from one another to make the best better for Ohio 4-H programs. Sessions will ...

  10. Starting a Food Business: Selling Home-Based Foods

    why OSU’s Agricultural & Resource Law Program receives more legal inquiries about food sales than ...   Selling Home-Based Foods.   Learn about food product development, Ohio’s Cottage Food and Home Bakery ...
