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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Healthy Finances

    More info coming soon! Learn more about Healthy Finances from OSU ...

  2. The Truth About Multitasking and How It Impedes Purpose

    things that are important to us, our priorities.  There was also a discussion about why we work.  Yes, we ... One of the many things I love about my job is the ability to travel to national conferences to ... responsibilities of not only our work but family and community.  These questions may help us set our aspirations ...

  3. Making Hay and Making It Last- Some Best Practice Tips for Farmers

    together, and about three feet between rows of bales.  The north-south orientation and space between bales ... one time.  A separate University of Missouri Extension publication titled, “Reducing Losses when ...

  4. Lesson In Life Skills: How To Teach or Model Gratitude For Children

    the Lifeskills Camp I attended this week, Jason Barger, talked about how “9 out of 10 employees would ... where gratitude is constantly present.  Have you ever thought about how we teach or model gratitude?  As ...

  5. Seeking students for ATI dairy cattle judging team

    a time to meet with me or just stop by my office to talk with me about the dairy cattle judging team. ...

  6. First Year Students: Important notice about scheduling

    At 5PM on Saturday Nov 16th the entire SIS system will be down for previously scheduled maintenance until 11AM on Sunday. Why is this important? The final NFYS scheduling windows open next Friday (11/15) so please do NOT plan to enroll in classes Saturday ...

  7. Mycobite team earns silver medal at iGEM Jamboree in Paris

    conference's website for a complete list of medalists.  View the Mycobite website for more information about ...

  8. First Gen Celebration

    attend the dinner, please respond through the link below.  It will help us know how much food to order. ...

  9. Phones Quieter, Visitors Fewer, But 4-H Program Never Sleeps

    most people think about 4-H they think of the fair. Once the fair is over then 4-H is done for the year ... but have thought about getting involved, now is the time to jump into the fun! We need to be sure the ... a volunteer and would like to know more about this process don’t hesitate to contact our office or look on our ...

  10. Urban Ag Opportunities for Extension Agents & Administrators

    insights on what we know about the urban context of scale, diversity, complexity, and the urban-rural ... Publications SARE Funding Extension Risk Management Education American Farm Bureau Federation Farm Credit   New ... the United Nations US EPA Food Waste Toolkit US EPA Urban Ag Urban Ag Law The New Urban Agenda ...
