CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Federal Order Reform Passed in All 11 Federal Orders: Considerations for FMMO 33 Milk Prices

    money into the pool from Class I milk with about a third of milk in FMMO being utilized for Class I. It ... can tell us how these changes will play out in the markets and affect producers' bottom line. An ...

  2. Update on the Foot-and-Mouth Disease Outbreak in Germany

    prohibited items, dirty footwear, or clothing that could potentially move the FMD virus. Declare to U.S ...

  3. Property Owners and Unidentified Drones

    drones in rural areas have producers raising questions, such as “what can I do about suspicious drone ... questions. Here are several points farmers need to know about dealing with UAV traveling over their ...

  4. Saturday: 38th Annual Spring Plant Sale and Auction Fundraiser

    plants, bid at auctions, browse vendors, and savor food trucks.Talk to experts about your gardening ... especially if you are coming Thursday night or Friday afternoon.  But, no need to worry about loading your ...

  5. Native Plant Giveaway

    along with links that contain important growing information about each one, including light ...

  6. Propagating Houseplants

    rot, and some well-draining soil. Keep your new plant in an area that has some sun, and water about ...

  7. Day of Education 2025

    University Dining Services to provide us with the red "Zero Waste Toolkits" that include plates, ...

  8. Friday: 38th Annual Spring Plant Sale and Auction Fundraiser

    night or Friday afternoon.  But, no need to worry about loading your car- our volunteers will do this ...

  9. FDA Letter Asks Veterinarians to Discontinue Use of Unapproved Aspirin Products in Lactating Dairy Cattle

    Ohio State University  In October 11, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently published a “ Dear ... products to treat pyrexia and pain in lactating dairy cattle. A total of 616 confirmed dairy herds in 15 US ... However, because the increased use of unapproved aspirin and the availability in the US market of labeled ...

  10. Free Flu Vaccine for Dairy Farmers and Farm Workers

    spread of seasonal flu in these communities and safeguard public health. The 12 states include: ... rural healthcare systems. Reducing the prevalence of seasonal flu also can help public health agencies ...
