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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Winter Wellness Walk 2.3.2025

    can leave when you want, and we’ll plan to finish each walk by 11:00 AM. Please join us for a healthy ... website and Facebook page. A Note About Winter Weather: “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad ...

  2. Winter Wellness Walk 1.27.2025

    leave when you want, and we’ll plan to finish each walk by 11:00 AM. Please join us for a healthy dose ... and Facebook page. A Note About Winter Weather: “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad ...

  3. Winter Wellness Walk 1.13.2025

    join us for a healthy dose of exercise, fresh air, nature, and friends! These walks will be held rain, ... posted on our website and Facebook page. A Note About Winter Weather: “There’s no such thing as bad ...

  4. Winter Wellness Walk 12.16.2024

    leave when you want, and we’ll plan to finish each walk by 11:00 AM. Please join us for a healthy dose ... and Facebook page. A Note About Winter Weather: “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad ...

  5. Winter Wellness Walk 12.9.2024

    join us for a healthy dose of exercise, fresh air, nature, and friends! These walks will be held rain, ... posted on our website and Facebook page. A Note About Winter Weather: “There’s no such thing as bad ...

  6. Respirators for the Farm Fit testing and user seal checks are also important factors for a good fitting respirator. Read ...

  7. Fall Wellness Walk 11.18.2024

    11:00 AM. Please join us for a healthy dose of exercise, fresh air, nature, and friends! These walks ... inclement driving conditions. A Note About Fall Weather: “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad ...

  8. Money Management Virtual Workshop

    email containing information about joining the workshop. This workshop will be held via Zoom. The link ...

  9. Money Management Virtual Workshop

    email containing information about joining the workshop. This workshop will be held via Zoom. The link ...

  10. Money Management Virtual Workshop

    email containing information about joining the workshop. This workshop will be held via Zoom. The link ...
