CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. DWWC Social Media Intern

    Are you passionate about animal welfare and skilled in social media? The Dairy Cattle Welfare ... Familiar with Canva and committed to maintaining a consistent brand image. Passionate about animal welfare ...

  2. New state-mandated fraud prevention training

    theft in office or misuse or misappropriation of public money to the state. House Bill 33 then amended ... Ohio Rev. Code 117.103 to require all state employees, which includes public university employees, to ...

  3. Certified Angus Beef Internships

    their success, along with accountability and a desire to learn about all facets of communication. Ideal ... candidates are pursuing a career in journalism, public relations or marketing and we promise to equip them ...

  4. Information session to be held for the FEEPASS program

    are interested in learning more about the program, please see the information about a zoom info ... Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: ...

  5. Information session to be held for the FEEPASS program

    are interested in learning more about the program, please see the information about a zoom info ... Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: ...

  6. Kennel Tech Opportunity

    schedules and there is no specific out time, just however long it takes to get the work done. Average about ...

  7. Family Day Volunteers Sought

    up starting at 8:00am. We are looking for volunteers to help us with some things and would be truly ... grateful if you could join us for some or all the event. Please go here to select a volunteer slot:   2024 ...

  8. NACTA25 Call for Workshop Abstracts- Due Nov. 1!

     for any questions about your submission.   We hope to see you in Edmonton next year! Thank you, Thomas ...

  9. Beneficial Insects 101: Getting to Know Ohio’s Butterflies, Bees and Other Good Garden Bugs

    interested in learning about the good bugs in our gardens and landscapes. Taught by Ashley Kulhanek, Marne ...

  10. Dairy Internships

    applications for all of them are due November 1st. Click here to learn more about each internship opportunity: ...
