CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Virtual Volunteer Info Sessions

    Interested in learning about volunteering at Chadwick Arboretum?  Whether you are an OSU Alumni, ...

  2. Internships

    who have a strong interest in learning about plants, horticulture, and public gardens, enjoy working ... public gardens across central Ohio and engage in other professional development activities, and cap off ...

  3. 15th Annual Alumni Society Hockey Night

    Hockey Night sponsored by The Ohio State University Alumni Association! Please join us at the Longaberger ...

  4. Saturday: 38th Annual Spring Plant Sale and Auction Fundraiser

    plants, bid at auctions, browse vendors, and savor food trucks.Talk to experts about your gardening ... especially if you are coming Thursday night or Friday afternoon.  But, no need to worry about loading your ...

  5. Native Plant Giveaway

    along with links that contain important growing information about each one, including light ...

  6. Propagating Houseplants

    rot, and some well-draining soil. Keep your new plant in an area that has some sun, and water about ...

  7. Day of Education 2025

    University Dining Services to provide us with the red "Zero Waste Toolkits" that include plates, ...

  8. Friday: 38th Annual Spring Plant Sale and Auction Fundraiser

    night or Friday afternoon.  But, no need to worry about loading your car- our volunteers will do this ...

  9. Winter Solstice Labyrinth Walk and Conifer Tour

    everyone.  From 4p.m. until dusk, 30-minute guided tours of our conifer collection will depart about every 10 ...

  10. Our Buy-One, Get-One Membership Drive has Begun!

    Arboretum & Learning Gardens and have made several new memories with us this year.  As a Friend of the ... truly help us grow Chadwick Arboretum's community while allowing you to introduce your loved ones ... received free admission to a public garden you visited while traveling, you know that our  membership ...
