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Know The Rules When Employing Minors on Your Farm
those for other industries. In 1967, the U.S. Secretary of Labor determined that certain jobs in ... Occupations in Agriculture Anyone involved in agriculture knows it can be a dangerous occupation. The US ... regulations require employers of minors under 16 years of age to maintain and preserve records about each ...
Resources for Beginning Market Gardeners
for learning about current policy and legislation affecting market gardens. The Gardening for ...
Opportunities for Subsurface Nutrient Placement in Ohio
includes the type of strip-till unit, fertilizer application equipment, and the practicality of adopting ... different options for fertilizer application. Subsurface placement achieves these goals, but equipment ... fertilizers subsurface. D. Broadcast and Incorporate — fertilizer application is typically conducted by a dual ...
A Guide to Corn Growth and Development
pesticide labels, often specifying the proper application timing of the product to the crop. The most ... required for germination. When planted later, warmer temperatures are expected, and fewer days (about 6–8) ... stage, the nodal and seminal root systems are about the same size (in length and dry matter). Leaf ...
The Value of Community Strategic Plans in Corporate Location Decision-Making
a time when corporate businesses are changing the way they make decisions about where to locate and ... a potential community might not seem crucial to some corporations, it can help inform them about the profile ... attracting new businesses is a common economic development strategy, research indicates that about 80% of all ...
Preventing and Controlling Coyote Problems
a charged trip wire installed just above ground level about 8 inches outside the main fence to discourage ... ground about 8 to 10 inches outside the fence. One to three additional wires may be added with variable ... electronic lights or sounds. However, electronic devices may have only limited application in urban settings ...
Nutrient Removal for Field Crops in Ohio
Feed Barley 65 90 115 Oats 90 120 150 lb N/ac* Spring application Feed Barley 55 95 135 Spring ... application Oats 60 90 125 Spring application Spelt 40 75 110 Spring application Rye 60 90 60 * Reduce ... cool-season grass forages. Yield potential, ton/ac Crop, Percent Legume 4 6 8 Annual application (lb ...
Pesticide Applicators
Every Ohio private pesticide applicator must have at least 3 hours of educational training every ... recertification credits or take a re-examination. For private applicators, the minimum training required shall be ... specific to each pesticide-use category in which the private applicator is licensed. Many of you will need ...
Community-Level Strategies for Urban Coyote Management
will be most effective when coordinated across a community. For more information about individual ... educating the public about personal safety and coyote ecology. See Toolbox 4 to learn more best management ... about coyote identification, behavior, attractants found in cities and backyards, and appropriate and ...
Agriculture and Natural Resources
more information about 2025 Beekeeper School. You can also learn more about all OSU Extension ...