CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. 4-H- Volunteer Training- Club/Committee Finances

    Come to this training to learn about how to handle the finances for your 4-H club. ...

  2. 4-H Volunteer Training- Risk Managment in 4-H Clubs

    Come to this training to learn about all the risks and how to minimize them in your 4-H club. ...

  3. 4-H Volunteer Training- Risk Management in 4-H Clubs

    Come to this training to learn about all the risks and how to minimize them in your 4-H club. ...

  4. PetPALS SPP #4

    animal.  The evaluator sets up a course that includes a left turn, right turn, and an about turn, with at ...

  5. "Cloverbot Challenge"

    about this year’s topic, Fabulous Food, and then bring their poster and LEGO project to the state event ...

  6. 4-H Youth Cooking Up a New Collaboration

    by an interdisciplinary team of OSU Extension professionals, crafted five lesson plans about local ...

  7. Dining with Diabetes- Spring

    Participants will learn about signs of diabetes and possible complications, and ways they can ...

  8. Freezing and Canning Workshop

    bounty by learning more about home-preserving fruits and vegetables. Now they can, by attending ...

  9. PetPALS SPP #5

    about politely in pedestrian traffic and is under control with the animal in public places. A crowd is ...

  10. Master 4-H PetPALS Volunteer Leader Training

    activities to learn about the physical changes associated with aging. After completing additional sensitivity ... simulation activities to learn about medical conditions they may encounter, youth role play with their pets ...
