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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Natural Gas Drilling Could be Boon for Landowners, But Be Cautious

    serious. The Marcellus Shale formation encompasses about 95,000 square miles from New York to West ... but the rise of the new industry has also raised concerns about the possibility of contamination or ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-25

    poor insecticide application techniques (too low of pressure or volume, too large droplet size, etc.) ...

  3. Governor Strickland Proclaims Master Gardener Volunteer Week

    serious about horticulture-- taking their passion for plants and the environment and passing it on to ... herbs, and berries, and was created to educate visitors and school children about how the 19th century ... and services in 67 Ohio counties. To learn more about the OSU Extension Master Gardener volunteer ...

  4. Don't Let Slugs Rule the Roost in No-Till Fields

    an application to prevent that stand loss in soybeans." Deadline MPs molluscicide has proven to ...

  5. Field Crop Irrigation May Work For Some Ohio Growers

    and the smaller acreages tend to outweigh the costs of the system. "You are talking about an ... Precipitation as rainfall varies throughout the state, with about 10 inches more rainfall occurring in southern ... about 1/3 inch per day. Brown said that growers should consider the type of irrigation system they might ...

  6. Ohio State Experts in Lineup for Ohio Organic Farming Conference: 'Sowing the Seeds of Food Sovereignty'

    Ohio’s rural farming communities, demanding access to healthy organic food and information about how that ...

  7. Boosting Dairy Cattle Fertility: New Technologies, Outreach Go Hand in Hand

    Gustavo Schuenemann, Ohio State University Extension's state dairy veterinarian. Ohio’s rate is about the national ...

  8. Warm Winter, Early Spring Increase Livestock Risk from Noxious Weed

    well in multiple environments, including saturated soils.  “We’ve had cressleaf groundsel for about six ...

  9. OSU Expert: Early Ohio Wheat Harvest Opens Door for Double-Crop Soybeans

    to raise two crops before a killing frost,” Lentz said “But if you think about it, how often do we ...

  10. Authorities Available to Answer Ag, Veterinary Questions at Farm Science Review

    income upside for landowners.  Ward will answer questions about farmland cash rent and other crop input ...
