CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. SmartAg4.0

    SmartAg4.0 is a competition open to all Ohio college students who are passionate about ...

  2. South Centers Live Stream- Business Matters

    local SBDC director Brad Bapst, both talk about the services the local SBDC offers start-up and existing ...

  3. Citizenship Washington Focus

    have many questions about just what is 4-H.  There are a total of 61 4-H clubs in the county with ... 4-H program allows youth to learn about numerous projects and careers.  Once they have completed their ... a global market place. I would encourage families with no knowledge of what 4-H is all about to attend the ...

  4. Smith-Lever Act Centennial Celebration

    current application of Cooperative Extension’s mission and vision as we move into our next century. ... the application of the same..."-Rep. Asbury F. Lever, South Carolina-Sen. Michael Hoke Smith, ...

  5. Dr. Hanping Wang co-organizes and co-chairs 2nd International Symposium on Perch and Bass

    ideas and applications in these internationally important aquaculture species. Invited scholars, who are ...

  6. M. Banta

    202 Jim, Is there a room there at AGE that I could reserve for three people from 12:30 to about ...

  7. 2015 High Tunnel Training Registration Form

    Cost is $50 per person. You will be contacted via email about your registration form and the cost ...

  8. Hops Tour

    about growing hops. ...

  9. King & Queen Applications/Department Queen Applications Due to the Extension Office


  10. Dairy Service Unit Annual Meeting

    agriculture as our speakers. Come join us for a night of good food, friendship and celebrating our local ...
