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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. 2014

    Applications During and After Anthesis Against Fusarium Head Blight and Deoxynivalenol in Soft Red Winter ...

  2. Software Evaluations

    and our knowledge of the secondary products in this plant species (), which allowed us to validate all ... data, throughout the processes of data visualization and modeling, caused us to evaluate a very thorough ... statistical package that one of us had previously found very effective in data visualization and principal ...

  3. Grad Students at Disovery Day Plant Sale- Wooster

    They will also present information about local vegetable diseases, how to approach disease management ...

  4. Choosing a milkweed species for your garden

    You have no doubt seen or heard about the declining monarch butterfly population. Home gardeners ... tuberose, butterfly weed, can grow to three feet tall but is usually about 2 feet tall in a garden. It ... a stalk up to 5 feet high but is usually about 3 feet in height. Unlike swamp milkweed, common milkweed ...

  5. 2019 4-H Camp Counselor Applications Due


  6. Teen Leadership Council applications due to State 4-H Office


  7. New 4H Fundraiser for 4H'ers or 4H Clubs

    the dry ingredients and chill the veggie and dessert dip for about an hour and they ready to serve. ... State 4-H Volunteer Conference and the dips they had there were all really good.  They make about a cup ...

  8. 4-H Campership Applications Due


  9. Private Applicator Recertification and Fertilizer Training

    January 22, 2018 6-11 pm OSU Extension Office, Gallia County,111 Jackson Pike Suite 1572, Gallopolis, OH 45631 Pesticide Recertification 6-9 pm(Categories: Core, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7) Fertilizer Recertification 10-11 pm Jeff Moore email: moore.3036@os ...

  10. Quality Assurance Training

    to start the station training at 11AM so please plan accordingly. Training will take about one hour ...
