CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Volunteer Trainings: In Person and, New for 2018, Online!

    volunteer training dates in person and then the online training information.  Please let us know if you have ...

  2. Camp Counselor Interviews

    Applicants will begin their skill stations at 5:00 and finish at 7:00 PM. The Greene County Camp ...

  3. USDA-Capacity Building, NCR-SARE Partnership, and CRDF U.S.-Ukraine collaborative research grants

    Building, NCR-SARE Partnership, and CRDF US-Ukraine collaborative research grants in recent months. The Ohio ... that was originally named the U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation for the Independent ... States of the Former Soviet Union (CRDF) and was funded by the U.S. Government under the Freedom Support ...

  4. The Appalachian Table: Where Local Food Producers and Buyers Came Together

    Appalachian Table helped to raise awareness among producers and buyers about the diversity of local foods ... a founding member of Casa Nueva, shared experiences about sourcing local foods for her restaurant and ... shared information about their restaurants and working with local food producers. They source as much ...

  5. Yanliang Chu joins the Fruit Research and Extension group as a Visiting Scholar

    Jiangsu Province, China. He came to the U.S. in September, 2017. Mr. Chu received a M.S. in Animal Science ... will stay in the US for one year. We are very happy that Mr. Chu joined our group and look forward to ...

  6. Economic Impact of Avian Influenza

    are no longer thinking about “if” this will hit Ohio, but “when”.  We hope the disease will miss us ... including backyard flocks.  Consider a review of the recent news release from our college ... in wages. No poultry on your farm- think about the effect on the demand for corn and soybean meal.  ...

  7. Strawberry Event

    This is about strawberries ...

  8. Dr. Hanping Wang’s new book published by Wiley-Blackwell

    globe. Currently, aquaculture, the fastest growing food-producing sector, contributes about 50 percent of ... about the book, please visit:  ...

  9. Lijun Cai visits the Soil Team

    Semi-dwarf soybean breeding. She was a short-term scholar studying recent developments in U.S. sustainable ...

  10. Fall Fruit Field Night coming to South Centers

    exotic fruit. We believe that once you taste this unique fruit, you will be just as excited about them as ...
