CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Gypsum Spread on Farms Could Help Keep Water Clean, Not Green

    the soil dates back to the Greeks and Romans. Benjamin Franklin was an early U.S. proponent. In an ...

  2. OSU Expert: Cereal Leaf Beetle Populations on the Rise; Growers Need to Scout, May Need to Spray

    the U.S., having produced more than 49 million bushels in 2011, according to the Columbus-based Ohio ...

  3. Urban Agriculture Classes Designed to Increase Food Production Enterprises

    the college. Some of the topics participants will learn about in the courses include how to choose ...

  4. Bob Peterson: I Got My Start in 4-H

    State Senator Bob Peterson talks about his experiences in 4-H. ...

  5. Agricultural Economists: U.S. Dairy Margin Insurance Programs Offer Pros, Cons

    program is supported by a consortium of dairy economists from Midwest U.S. universities who specialize in ...

  6. Conference Offers Small Farmers Options to Diversify, Grow Operations

    their farm operations who aren’t sure where they can potentially find farm funding can learn more about ...

  7. Small Farm Conference March 13-14 Offers Expansion Options for Farmers

    utilize acreage,” Nye said, “there is a strong interest in learning more about methods for diversifying ...

  8. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of April 5

    “Green Fire,” 7 p.m., U.S. Bank Theater, Ohio Union, Ohio State University, Columbus. Free screening of ... Emmy Award-winning film about conservationist Aldo Leopold; part of Ohio State’s Earth Week ... to express comments, concerns about proposed new FDA produce safety rules, with officials from FDA ...

  9. Celebrating Your Impact

    These stories are about our donors and their impact-- both immediate and everlasting. Impact on ... about implementing robots in the operation. Kyle was in 4-H for 8 years where he showed hogs at the ... put together in town every year called First Farm Fridays. He also talks about farm safety and to ...

  10. Hydrologic Redistribution and Rhizosphere Biology of Resource Islands in Degraded Agro-ecosystems of the Sahel

    microbial ecology topics. The course capstone was a research project pairing U.S. participants with African ...
