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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Whiz Bang! Science Show, Wooster

    Encourages children to learn more about science. Free. Information: ...

  2. New OSU Extension Expert Working with Growers to Reduce Nutrient Loads

    team is hoping to work with about 30 growers for the project. Growers would have a large degree of ...

  3. Assuring Quality Care for Animals Signature Program In-Service

    professionals, Fair Board members, and other applicable volunteers will still be held in the afternoon. Please ...

  4. Ohio State to Host Statewide Farm to School Conference March 2013

    students’ access to healthy foods and to help them learn more about food, health, nutrition and ...

  5. Dairy Science

    provide the basis for learning more about dairy production, management, evaluation & selection, dairy ... department will teach you about: Dairy Herd Management Dairy Cattle and Mammary Health Milking Management ...

  6. Frost Seeding Easy, Inexpensive Way to Improve Pastures

    forages as an important part of their operations. “It’s all about letting the natural weather cycle of ...

  7. Career Fairs and Recruiters

    without talking to representative. Expect to learn everything there is to know about the company from the ... particular about who they hire and they usually have the luxury of choosing from a large pool of great ...

  8. Meat Meets Art

    to “become aware of and think deeply about the language, imagery and sense of place that food systems ... represent in a dramatically changing global environment.” (To learn more about the course, visit the ... anyone who is interested in knowing about meat and how it gets from farm to table should consider it as ...

  9. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of Aug. 2, 2013 or 330-533-5538. Visit for information about Ohio Marketing Connection ... comprehensive knowledge about mixed-oak forests. Designed to improve participants’ knowledge of oak ecology and ... Educational programs, product line exhibits from 600 commercial exhibitors, and information about latest ...

  10. 4-H Animal Sciences Intern

    EXPERIENCE INTERN SHOULD GAIN: 1. Knowledge about livestock, performance and companion animal species 2. The ...
