CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Adjusting No-till Burndown Programs for Later Planting

    This is a revision of an article we seem to publish in C.O.R.N. about every three years, when wet ... weather prevents early planting and in some cases also prevents early burndown applications.  There have ... emerged weeds prior to soybean planting can make for a tough season, there is just more application ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-27

    materials. If magnesium is deficient or low in the soils, those soils may benefit from the application of ... will figure lime application rate and costs using your pH, buffer pH, target pH, and ENP of the ... surface-apply urea within a year of lime application. Urea volatilizes much more quickly on an alkaline surface, ...

  3. Is the No-Cutting Fall Rest Period for Alfalfa Really Necessary?

    the end of last week, only about half of the fourth cutting of alfalfa in Ohio was complete, which ...  So I am not going to disagree with people about their fall cutting practices.  But my question for ... look at the spring yield following those two fall harvest dates. Join us with your own side-by-side ...

  4. Recommendations for Seeding Cover Crops in Late Summer

    inoculate seed with rhizobia for maximum nitrogen gain.  Also be careful about hosting soybean cyst nematode ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-32

    Late-Planted Wheat After Soybeans? Managing Black Cutworms with Fall Herbicide Applications Using Flat ... a good job against higher levels. The most important thing about using granules is to make sure the ... with the granules, it is important the liquid application equipments be properly calibrated and the ...

  6. Entrepreneurship Roundtable

    ENTREPRENEURSHIP ROUNDTABLE To learn about resources available to start or grow your business and ...

  7. Updated Scab Forecasting System 2015

    for use in Ohio. This is an excellent tool to help guide fungicide application decisions. Based on the ... scab occurring and make a timely fungicide application to reduce scab and vomitoxin. This year, the ...

  8. Interested in becoming a Certified Crop Adviser?

    Board (Ohio, Indiana and Illinois for us), Manure Management, 4R NMS, Sustainability Specialty, and ...

  9. 2017 Ken Campbell Lecture on Disability Law and Policy

    with the US Department of Justice and recently argued  Fry v. Napoleon Community Schools, a case at the ...

  10. Endeavor Center and SBDC success

    funding to assist with their project. This year, we helped 43 individuals complete and submit applications ... for these programs. You can see details and deadlines about the program at   SBDC ...
