CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Ohio State wins Livestock Judging competition for the first time since 2004

    members were excited about their accomplishments and their ability to achieve a goal they had set for ... about the OSU Livestock Judging Team, please contact Kyle Culp at culp.1045@osu.ed or 614-292-2201. ...

  2. Big Genomic Data for fast-growing aquaculture

    about 200 species in 10 genera. The perch, darter, and their relatives are in this family and well-known ...

  3. Around the Department

    smelled the smoke...they picked up recent publicity about the Barbecue Science class offered by the ...

  4. Gary Gao toured fruit plantings in China’s Hebei and Shanxi Provinces in September 2016

    his expertise on small fruit production with them and also learned a lot about fruit production in ...

  5. 2015 Livestock Judging Camp

    share our knowledge with the younger generations. Our goal is to get kids excited about agriculture, by ...

  6. In the News

    Ohio's Country Journal. Feat. alumni Amanda Orahood and Melinda Lee. About CFAES: Improvements set for ...

  7. Twenty Years of Combined Animal Sciences!

    about the college restructuring. Read the article at this link. An excerpt from the Trustees' ... more about Ohio State Animal Sciences history, including a timeline of leadership, the Animal Science ...

  8. Recently Published / Presented

    Elizabeth Kim, and Kichoon Lee Application of selected bacteriophages to control Salmonella in mechanically ...

  9. Remembered

    2009, among other awards of recognition. The Lantern published an article about Dr. Dehority at the time ...

  10. Hogan & Miedemas 2017 Inductees into Dairy Science Hall of Service

    Today, their farm consists of about 1300 cows. As stated by their veterinarian, “I came to respect their ...
