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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Dig Big Darby Creek June 11

    naturalist Mac Albin, “who probably knows more about Darby Creek’s natural and social history than any other ...

  2. OSUE Annual Conference- December 9-11

    organization, and I believe it is valuable to have all of us learning together when possible. We are all working ...

  3. Spring Career Day a job fair for Buckeyes

    graduates, This event provides an opportunity for students to network with employers and learn about ...

  4. 2013 Public Sector Career Fair

    take place in the Ohio Union Grand Ballroom. For more information about the fair, please call April ...

  5. Aditi Sengupta's Doctoral Scholarly Seminar

    have reported about 10000 different bacterial species per gram of soil to a predicted 107 microbial ...

  6. Long-term Effects of Repeated Prescribed Burning on Tree Growth and Drought Vulnerability in Red Pine Forests in Northern Minnesota

    Comparatively, little is known about the effects of prescribed fire, particularly the cumulative effects of ...

  7. EPN Presents Cleaning Up America's Rivers

    a compelling and funny story about growing up on the river and how his river experiences led to his unique ...

  8. SENR Seminar: Thinking Like an Environmental Citizen

    Thinking Like an Environmental Citizen: The Evolution of Aldo Leopold's Public Writing about Game ...

  9. Graduate Exit Seminar

    proportion, analyzing voting distributions across sub-national units vis-à-vis aggregate level data about ... to engage in broader discussions about the factors that structure people's voting behavior.     ...

  10. Jeff Voss

    scared to death,” he said. After about a year, he found rental property with a remodeled building on West ...
