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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Updates on Fruit Research Projects and Extension Programs at South Centers

    crops, such as hardy kiwis and hardy figs.  We are very excited about these two crops as potential cash ...

  2. Women of Color: A Growing Force in the American Electorate

    dialogue with students and Columbus community members about the power of the political intersection between ...

  3. Interviews for 1st year Junior Fair Board and Camp Counselor Applicants


  4. County Award Medal, 4-H Excellence, and STAR Award Applications Due


  5. 4-H Action and Advisory Committee Application / Nominations Forms Due to Extension Office by 4:30 pm


  6. The Land of “MILC and Honey”- Dairy Policy Watch 2013

    2009, where U.S. dairy farmers rapidly liquidated more than 250,000 dairy cows from the national herd ... (Figure 1), brought about a consensus among dairy industry participants that a new risk management ... to enhance milk prices by reducing the rate of growth in U.S. milk production when IOFC margins fall ...

  7. Small Ruminant Parasite Management and FAMACHA Training

    help participants learn about small ruminant parasite biology, lifecycle, how chemical resistance is ...

  8. Horse Youth of the Year Award Applications Due


  9. Testing for Nitrates

    considering using grain corn for forage. With the dry conditions, concerns have arisen about the potential for ... a representative sample of corn plants into very small pieces and mix Weigh about 20 grams of the chopped corn ... silage and add 100 ml of distilled water Let the mix stand for about 10 minutes, shake vigorously, and ...

  10. USDA-Borlaug mentor follow-up visit to Ukraine

    Economic University took us to visit reclaimed and abandoned mine-lands currently under phytoremediation ...
