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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Mercer County Pesticide and Fertilizer Applicator Training

    Registration Materials available in December ...

  2. Nutrition

    could save you some money and which ones appear overpriced.  Then learn about the Cow-Jones Index and ...

  3. Dairy Policy and Market Watch

    exhibited in the cheese and butter markets. I have written about this issue over the past two months and it ... be asking about now is where did this money go? Into the pockets of those milk producers whose milk ... the U.S. The June blend price for Ohio hit $20/cwt. This would be a devastating low price in Japan but ...

  4. Farm Science Review

    attending Farm Science Review will have the opportunity to learn about the latest agricultural innovations, ... Tickets will be sold through the end of the business day September 19. More information about the 2016 ...

  5. Know Risk Factors for Forage Cyanide Poisoning

    before feeding. For more information about prussic acid or cyanide poisoning risk in forages and ...

  6. Establishing Alfalfa

    time period to establish alfalfa seedings.  Have you thought about what needs to be done to ...

  7. Dr. Hanping Wang honored by Fisheries Advance Magazine of China

    development of perch and bass in China and the U.S. In October 2016, Dr. Wang organized the 2nd International ...

  8. Last Alfalfa Cutting and Risk Management

    risk factor.  Plants with adequate carbohydrate reserves can withstand temperatures down to about ...

  9. Eating Healthy On A Budget

    about 300 degrees. Add tomatoes, beans, oregano, and garlic powder. Stir in rice and ½ cup water, cover; ...

  10. Hands-on Horticulture

    Bergefurd received funding from a $1.1 million grant from the U.S. Agency for International Development ... larger than typical Senegalese farms. A farmer is able to transplant 15 plants per minute and about 9,880 ...
