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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Chow Line: Portion control can help with diabetes (for week of 2/8/09)

    Prevention, nearly 24 million Americans have diabetes-- nearly 8 percent of the population. About one-quarter ... for you as you plan your family's meals. Foods containing about 45 grams of carbohydrates include ...

  2. Chow Line: Peanuts nutritious but pack in the calories

    put subjects on one of two experimental diets. The low-fat diet contained about 20 percent of calories ... from fat, while the moderate-fat diet contained about 35 percent of energy from fat, with one-half of ...

  3. Chow Line: Take steps to prevent osteoporosis (for 5/18/08)

    start. Although osteoporosis, or weak bones, is more common in women, about one in five cases strikes ... alcohol. Both can weaken bones. Talk to your health professional about bone health. For more details, see ...

  4. Chow Line: More children have weight problem (for 11/25/07)

    sense to start now to do something about it. Interestingly, studies show that parents often don't ... tended to be more concerned if a doctor said something about their child's weight or if they ...

  5. 'Whiz Bang Science Show' Is Thursday (6/10) in Secrest Arboretum

    the OARDC campus, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster. Meet in the John Streeter Garden Amphitheater, about 1.7 ...

  6. Piketon Business Incubator Receives Additional Funds

    a wonderful facility allows us to help ourselves," said Greg Simonton, executive director of Southern ...

  7. Soybean Trials Show Strength Of Varieties

    growing season for some soybean growers. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, soybean yields ...

  8. Options Limited to Rectify Compacted Fields This Spring

    only about 20 percent of Ohio's cornfields are in a no-till system, the state leads the Midwest in ... field operations in March and April. A worst-case scenario would be a drought this summer. We are about ...

  9. Learn to Convert On-Farm Resources into Renewable Energy at Farm Science Review

    new, but many farmers don't even think about how much they are spending each month on energy ... about ways of making their farm more energy efficient and sustainable, while potentially saving money at ...

  10. Chow Line: Don't give up if some dairy is hard to digest (for 6/6/10)

    now I'm worried about calcium. What's your advice? Well, it's quite possible your ... need 1,200 milligrams a day. One cup of low-fat milk has about 300 milligrams of calcium. For detailed ...
