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No Economic Damage on Ohio Corn Despite Increasing Numbers of Western Bean Cutworm
turn purple, you have about a 24-hour window before the larvae hatch," said Michel. Though the ...
Slice Your On-Farm Fuel Bill with These Simple Tips • Shut off idling engines. "Don't let a diesel engine idle more than about 10 ...
Transgenics Could Pose Planting Challenges This Season
may prove to make this season's planting more of a challenge. According to the U.S. Department ...
Marketing Theme of 2002 Ohio Profitability Tour
Field Day, Augusta, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Highlights: provides farm families the opportunity to learn about ...
Space Matters: The China and U.S. Case
U.S. Engines of Growth: New Economic Geography or Amenity Led Growth, and Why it Matters
The Geographic Diversity of U.S. Nonmetropolitan Growth Dynamics: A Geographically Weighted Regression Approach
Lessons from the Evaluation of Canadian and U.S. Rural Development Policy
Dwindling U.S. Internal Migration: Evidence of a Spatial Equilibrium
Dwindling U.S. Internal Migration: Evidence of a Spatial Equilibrium