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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. USDA Launches New Dairy Decision Tool that Ohio State Economist Helped Develop

    College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farm ... enrollment began Sept. 2. With the passage of the most recent farm bill, the U.S. federal dairy farm safety ...

  2. VegNet

    VegNet is a publication of articles about vegetables and fruits.  This newsletter is weekly during ...

  3. In Memoriam: Warren Lee, AEDE Professor Emeritus

    U.S. farm sector. In particular, he investigated the changing structure of commercial banking and the ...

  4. Olympic Moving Average and Price Protection

    low prices experienced by the U.S. crop sector. Thursday, May 31, 2012 Zulauf- Olympic Moving ...

  5. Aquaculture research achievements and impacts 2016

    Yellow perch belong to the family Percidae including about 200 species in 10 genera. The perch, darter, ... aquaculture genetics and breeding at OSU South Centers has produced international impacts and attracted about ...

  6. Purchase of Agricultural Conservation Easements and Other Farmland Rights: Evidence on Price and Willingness to Supply

    The purchase power of governments is fundamental to land policy change in the U.S. The power to ...

  7. Grain Marketing- Turning On-Farm Storage Into A Profit

    potential profits while minimizing risk.  Jon Scheve of Superior Feed Ingredients will be talking about what ... more information about the meeting, contact Custer at For more detailed information, ...

  8. Ohio State ATI is solar exam provider

    a thousand certification programs exist in the U.S., qualifying professionals from crane operators to energy ...

  9. Annual Meeting of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

    authored with the U.S. EPA’s Sara Ohrel and Dr. Sohngen, at a session on climate policy A paper co-authored ... program in the U.S. in agricultural and resource economics (Ohio State tied with the University of ...

  10. Questions you should be asking yourself about your crop program decisions

    Policy and Outlook Conference Series: " Questions you should be asking yourself about your crop ...
