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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Some Fall Cover Crops Can Reduce SCN Populations

    wheat. The research is funded by a U.S. Department of Agriculture North Central Integrated Pest ...

  2. Marketing/Resource Tools Now Available to Appalachian-Region Farmers' Markets

    According to the Farmers' Market Coalition, the number of farmers' markets in the U.S. has ...

  3. Ohio State University Software Tool Can Help Dairy Producers Manage Feed Costs

    prices have fallen much faster than feed prices. The result: the worst economic situation in the U.S ...

  4. More Health Care Options for Some Ohio Residents with New Cooperative

    development grant by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to assist new and emerging cooperatives, like the Home ...

  5. Researchers Find Potential 'Dark Side' to Diets High in Beta-Carotene

    largest university agricultural bioscience research center in the U.S. Additional co-authors include ...

  6. Be Prepared For High Slug Populations This Season

    that will affect it.” Ohio State and U.S. Department of Agriculture researchers plan to conduct ...

  7. Gov. Strickland Tours Bionergy Project at OARDC, Touts Digestion Technology

    annually with more than 750 kW of electrical generation capacity, or about one-third of the OARDC ...

  8. Electric Truck Turns OSU Arboretum Even Greener

    was about $16,000. Recharge time is six to 12 hours using a 120/240-volt charging system. The new ...

  9. Chow Line: Yogurt: It's the 'whey' to go (for 9/8/02)

    it to the lower intestine. But there's still a lot to learn about how bacteria we consume might ...

  10. Chow Line: Wash those fruits and veggies (for 5/26/02)

    About 1,000 people die each year from acute salmonellosis. Infants, children, the elderly and anyone ...
