CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-26

    be an indication of what might be in store for us in 2011.  We will report those findings during ... which corresponds to about 10 days if we accumulate at least 28 GDD daily. Based on conditions as of ... 10 accumulated about 2,575, 2,400, 2,200, and 1,920 GDD, respectively. At current accumulation rates ...

  2. Drought-Tolerant Corn Hybrids: What is the Fit for Ohio?

    drought-tolerant hybrids had similar ear-leaf N uptake and yield response to N application as compared to the ...

  3. Hay and Straw Barn Fires a Real Danger.

    about 8 feet in large stacks. If you have a long probe thermometer it can be used but some homemade ...

  4. Ponding Effects on Corn

    the soil is depleted after about 48 hours in a flooded soil. Without oxygen, the plant cannot perform ... will help reduce stand loss, but the duration of protection is limited to about two weeks. The fungus ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-21

    last two weeks and growers are understandably concerned about grain quality. Indeed, rain and late ... maximum test weight, it is best to harvest wheat on the first dry-down.     Should I be concerned about ... (about head-high), it still has to take up 110 to 120 lb of N, and in years when June is wet, a common ...

  6. Solar Energy in Agriculture

    Farmers interested in installing solar energy systems can learn more about the technology and potential ...

  7. Fall Weather Outlook

    than normal. Frost and freeze outlooks continues to suggest about a normal onset in the first half of ...

  8. Mid-America Boat Show (January 16-20) / Lake Erie Day (January 20)

    the Fish Stage (booths 129 & 130) to answer questions about how to become an Ohio Clean Boater, ... the booth. College and advanced high school students can learn more about summer classes at Stone Lab, ... and teachers can plan science field trips for their classes or find out more about educator classes ...

  9. Effect of Foliar Application of Sulfur plus Manganese on MRI Soybeans

    Sulfur-plus-Manganese-on-MRI-Soybeans.pdf 2013 Modified Relay Intercropping Modified Relay Intercropping MRI 2013 Crawford Blount Pewamo Sulfur manganese ...

  10. Exploring Exporting Seminar

    (740)289-1605 or For more information about international trade or exporting, contact Kelly ...
