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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Monitor Stored Grain for Mold

    often go unnoticed or are discovered too late in the game to really do anything about. "Even in ...

  2. Last Year's Moldy Corn Problems Could Carry into 2010 Growing Season

    application management program," said Paul. "There isn't much you can do with fungicides for ...

  3. Biodiesel Byproduct May Be Used As Value-Added Ag Commodity

    "Crude glycerol is unrefined, yet microbes like yeast don't care about the impurities," said ...

  4. Pesticide Applicator and Fertilizer Applicator Training

    Hold the date! More information will be posted soon. ...

  5. Lay the Foundation for a Successful Business

    the need to have all their ducks in a row if they are serious about a small farm enterprise. ...

  6. Ohio's Natural Resources the Focus of New Extension Program

    currently there is no statewide scientifically based, un-biased educational program about the natural world ...

  7. Hybrids in Corn Performance Trials Benefit from Good Weather

    factors and growing conditions. In the test, 200 corn hybrids (about a third of that being genetically ...

  8. New Course Focuses on Workplace Relations with Hispanics

    employers should know about legal issues. The course will also include guest speakers from other Ohio State ...

  9. OSU Extension Newsletter a Million Dollar Value

    the newsletter. Other benefits of subscribing include: learning about Extension workshops, improved ...

  10. New Rules for Getting Around at Farm Science Review

    experience." To learn more about the new regulations, log on to the Farm Science Review Web site at ...
