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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. How Did You Spend Your Summer? Two Buckeyes Learned from NASA Scientists

    interns are great because I get to learn about other areas of space research directly from the experts in ... and Jessica to learn about research for human spaceflight and how these efforts benefit health care on ...

  2. Get Corn Production Tips from the Experts at Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference

    Conservation Districts, U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA Farm ...

  3. Chow Line: Not everyone can tolerate gluten (for 5/9/10)

    April 30, 2010 In the past few months, two of our friends have told us that they need to avoid ...

  4. Chow Line: Pesticide-free not the same as 'organic' (for 8/22/10)

    call her produce "organic" because of the official organic standards set by the U.S ...

  5. Chow Line: Some foods risky during pregnancy (for 12/16/07)

    and hot dogs served and eaten without being warmed to steaming hot. For more information, see the U.S ...

  6. Two Ohio 4-H'ers Receive National Recognition

    wrist got struck with a hammer," she said. About a year later, she started volunteering with the ... JACKS-- the Juvenile Arthritis Club for Kids. About 10 families from central Ohio are involved. "I ... talk about how medications are working or exchange other information." Blamble credits her 4-H ...

  7. Ohio Dairy Producers Could Earn More for Milk Under Proposed Price Change

    November 27, 2001 COLUMBUS, Ohio- A U.S. Department of Agriculture proposal to adjust the pricing ...

  8. Piketon Endeavor Center Now Open

    Center as an economic tool that will allow us to create new jobs and wealth, said Steve Shepherd, the ...

  9. Ohio's Wheat Facing Low Head Scab Risk

    North Dakota State University, South Dakota State University and the U.S. Wheat and Barley Scab ...

  10. OSU Extension to Offer Tax Workshop

    Snyder at (740) 732-2381 or • OSU Extension office, Champaign County, 1512 South U.S ...
