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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Minimizing Heat Stress in the Dairy Facility

    provide about 0.33 gallons per cow per wetting cycle. The on time for a cycle will depend on the nozzle ... reaches 72ºF. A soaker system for the holding area should supply about 1 gallon per 150 sq ft of holding ...

  2. Feed and Nutrient Costs in Dairy Production: Will it Get Any Worse?

    ingredient is priced about for what it is worth. Price of Nutrients As explained in previous columns, a nice ... index the Cow-Jones Index, as it mimics the information of the Dow-Jones Index for the U.S. stock ...

  3. Students Rose to the Challenge for the 2014 Ohio Dairy Challenge Contest

    by the students and the judges spending about two hours at the farm on Friday afternoon, interviewing ... undergraduate teams spent about four hours reviewing their notes and farm records to provide a summary of the ...

  4. Livestock Technician

    more about this opportunity. ...

  5. Depooling: A call to action

    price, earning a positive PPD. Federal orders are about ensuring orderly marketing and this is not ... orderly marketing!   What can you do about this situation? What you cannot do is sit on your hands while ... what can be done about this and how to go about making necessary modifications to the Mideast Federal ...

  6. Western Dairy Management Conference and Study Tour

    trip will take us to the coast, the Golden Gate Bridge, and the Muir Woods National Monument redwoods. ...

  7. Results of 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl

    Bowl program is an excellent opportunity for youth to focus on learning about the broad scope of the ...

  8. Results from Ohio State Fair Dairy Cattle Skillathon

    in this educational program, about the same number as for 2004. However, less than half (44%) of the ...

  9. 2016 Publications

    CJ, Millman, ST, Webb, SR. 2016. The U.S. swine industry: historical milestones and the future of ...

  10. Annual Banquet for the Buckeye Dairy Club and the Department of Animal Sciences

    young people, his lifetime of work serving Ohio and US dairy farmers, and his promotion of the dairy ...
