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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Wider Row-Spacing Favorable for Wheat, Beneficial for Farmers

    inches. About two dozen wheat varieties were analyzed for their performance in Ohio and Indiana. "The ...

  2. Soybeans Overcoming Diseases, Other Issues

    Research and Development Center in Wooster, Ohio, said that growers are faced with just about every problem ...

  3. Putnam County Extension Educator Honored for His Work

    a permanent display about the Steve D. Ruhl Agriculture and Natural Resources County Extension Award, located ...

  4. New Camp Counselor Applicant Selection Interviews


  5. Gardening Good Therapy for Arthritis Sufferers

    knowledge about arthritis, the benefits of gardening and solutions to help individuals with arthritis more ...

  6. Free Program to Demonstrate Livestock Handling Principles

    perception. "While people have 140-degree vertical vision, cattle have only about a 60-degree vertical ...

  7. Flood Damage Not Detrimental to Ohio's Crops

    up to 21 leaves, so at the 10 to 11 leaf collar stage, about half the corn leaves have yet to emerge ...

  8. Don't Skip Soybean Aphid Scouting Despite Low Numbers

    Virginia, New York and Ontario, Canada. Researchers know very little about the soybean aphid-- what exactly ...

  9. Family Fundamentals: Set goals to create long-term savings plans (for January 2007)

    those time frames might make more sense for your particular situation. Then, make some decisions about ...

  10. Family Fundamentals: Know how new credit card rules might affect you (for March 2010)

    Cards." Besides basic information about credit, the site features "What You Need to Know: New Credit ...
