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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Ohio State Drought Rapid Response Team provides resources for farmers amid worsening weather conditions

    extreme drought, according to the Aug. 22 update from the U.S. Drought Monitor. This prolonged dry spell ... producers statewide about what drought can mean for their crops and livestock, The Ohio State University ... activated because OSU Extension was hearing from educators and specialists statewide about concerns farmers ...

  2. Get energized Ohio

    Outreach Program. Understand how policy and technology play a role in Ohio’s energy future, and learn about ...

  3. Economic Impact of Intel’s Investment in Ohio: Lessons from Chandler, Arizona

    outcomes. Even their positive effects are sometimes temporary. Furthermore, concerns arise about how their ... questions about the overall fairness and efficacy of place-based policies (Neumark & Simpson, 2015a). ... us delve deeper into the dynamics of the housing market in Arizona subsequent to Intel's entry. ...

  4. NSF-funded center to drive development of US natural rubber industry

    development to fuel the new domestic industry. The U.S.  National Science Foundation  announced  funding ... Cornish, Ohio State professor emeritus and current director of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s ... ERC umbrella positions us well to meet the critical need for a biotechnology-driven solution that ...

  5. BroadbandOhio Community Accelerator: A beacon of connectivity for Ohio’s future

    Kyle White, educator, community development, OSU Extension. “Community participants learn about ...

  6. Cucurbit Research Update and Pest Scouting Clinic

    Join us to tour research plots and hear updates from Extension specialists on a variety of topics ...

  7. Rocking a career

    left 4-H! Last summer, I was invited to educate hundreds of 4-H’ers about Ohio’s geology at programs ...

  8. Production of Specialty Small Grains in Ohio

    commonly used for sponge cakes, cookies, crackers, and other confectionary products (U.S. Wheat Associates, ... For example, hard red winter wheat should have a medium to high protein content of 10% to 13% (U.S ... Retrieved from U.S. Wheat Associates. ...

  9. Marketing and Promotion of Nutrition Incentives

    program, its success will depend on letting shoppers know about it. … For SNAP, there are three main groups ... applicable contact information if applicable There are many ways to create and design promotional materials. ... basic information about how nutrition incentive programs work and when and where they’re available. ...

  10. Management of Nutrition Incentives at Farmers Markets For More Information Visit the following resources to learn more about SNAP and nutrition ... requirements to customers. Printed materials can also educate customers about the proper use of SNAP ... they inform vendors of what is planned for the season and share information about market rules and ...
